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Photo of Andrés Figueroa Weitzman Chile

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Andrés Figueroa Weitzman, Chilean painter, was born in Santiago on April 18, 1968. Lives and works in Santiago de Chile. Plastic studied at the Institute of Contemporary Art. His works are in private collections in Chile, Brazil, Israel, Switzerland, France and USA among others. He has participated in group exhibitions in Chile and abroad.

His art began with the drawing, erotic dream images and characters....

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Andrés Figueroa Weitzman, Chilean painter, was born in Santiago on April 18, 1968. Lives and works in Santiago de Chile. Plastic studied at the Institute of Contemporary Art. His works are in private collections in Chile, Brazil, Israel, Switzerland, France and USA among others. He has participated in group exhibitions in Chile and abroad.

His art began with the drawing, erotic dream images and characters. However, with the passage of time, the painting moved to the drawing, but somehow, always remaining in its service.

His pictorial work itself, the series begins with "TAIRA, (1993 - 1995), with a palette quite monochromatic, focused on earth tones, gray, sienna, ocher and glazes in similar tones, of which arose "mysterious and strange organic interiors, uterine, biological." Taira refers to the cave paintings of northern Chile and as the bill of these works, the artist is to approach it through the pictogram.

Proceeds from this limited palette, start a new creative period in the beginning timidly approaching, Color, and then emerge as a huge explosion of colors. In recent years has focused on a deep and introspective research of Color, to be his great leit motif, which has resulted in the series "interior landscapes."

This latest painting series consists of three stages:

"LANDSCAPES" (1996 - 2000), "urban landscape" (1996-2000) and the aforementioned "LANDSCAPES INTERIOR "(2001 - 2008).

Andrés Figueroa keeps in his last years of artistic production, a constant and deep reflection on the chromatic aspects, topography and morphology of the landscape, ie, shapes, textures and materials that make up the representation of a geographical space. This introspective look, does not represent a real landscape, but alludes to the spiritual realm and attempt to construct a geography of the soul.

"Geometries are superimposed together form uncertain landscapes of great expressive force. The interrupted grids could mimic synthesized images of any city in the world. "(The Mercury, 17/8/2001)

The landscape is a pretext to deal with color plastic as a fundamental anthropological element in the work of man, as one of the conditions in our way of being, feel and relate.

As the bill for its work in the last period, predominantly spontaneous use of the stain and subsequent "interpretation" from where it builds its landscapes.

Andrés Figueroa discusses the painting from the use of classic techniques, but adding to the bill of the same work a wealth of materials, from classic oil to natural pigments, sand, charcoal and glaze, and other resources plastics.

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